Featured Publications
Early Deaths Due to Hep C
Hep B Cost Savings
Saltman D. Building on Project ECHO® methods to develop capacity for hepatitis C elimination. Poster presented at: Health Professions Education Conference 2024; February 10, 2024; Honolulu, HI. [Download poster]
David RN, Pham T, Jacobson J, Huynh H, Nakatsuka C. Results of Pilot Hepatitis B Screening Program among Honolulu Harbor’s International Long-line Fishermen. Poster presented at: 2023 Hawaii Health Workforce Summit; September 9, 2023; Honolulu, HI.
Pham T, German D. “I wanna live a full life”: Perceptions of Hepatitis C Treatment Access among People Who Use Drugs in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. Honolulu, HI: Hawaiʻi State Department of Health; June 2023.
Yee SK, Hernandez BY, Kwee S, Wong LL. Hepatocellular carcinoma in Pacific Islanders: comparison of Pacific Island-born vs. US-born. Hepatoma Res. 2023;9:7. doi:10.20517/2394-5079.2022.85
Li F, Fukuda N, Goto R, Pham T. Hawaiʻi Hepatitis B and Liver Cancer Incidence and Mortality Report. Honolulu, HI: Hawaiʻi State Department of Health, Harm Reduction Services Branch and Office of Planning, Policy, and Program Development; 2023.
Rahberg N, Li F, Goto R, Pham T. Trends and Patterns of Hepatitis B Associated Deaths in Hawai‘i, 2000 - 2020. Hawaiʻi Journal of Health and Social Welfare. 2023;82(1):19-24.
Jackson M, Moraras K, Racho R, Clary R, Andrews R, Kuwahara R, So R, Phan-Hoang D, Pham T, Freeland C, Carbullido A, Trang A, Brosgart C, Caballero J, Cohen C. Opportunities to Prevent Hepatitis B Infection among People Who Use or Inject Drugs. Abstract presented at: 10th International Conference on Health and Hepatitis Care in Substance Users; October 19-21, 2022; Glasgow, Scotland [Virtual Hybrid].
Jackson M, Moraras K, Racho R, Pham T, Brosgart C, Andrews R, Kuwahara R, Clary R, So R, Trang A, Caballero J, Cohen C. Utilizing Existing Harm Reduction Infrastructure to Expand Hepatitis B Vaccination Rates Among People Who Inject Drugs. Poster presented at: National Harm Reduction Conference 2022; October 13-16, 2022; San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Ruddick A, Wang, C, Pham T. We Need a “HERO”: “Health Enhancement to Reduce Opioid-Use-Disorder” through Hepatitis C Care Coordination at a Syringe Service Program in Honolulu, HI. Poster presented at: National Harm Reduction Conference 2022; October 13-16, 2022; San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Alik K, Emmanuel P, Louie J, Nguyen P, Ochoa E, Ohira S, Smith R, Bocchieri A, Pham T. “There is always hope”: Storytelling as Community Awareness and Empowerment in Hawai’i. Poster presented at: World Hepatitis Summit 2022; Jun 7-10, 2022; [Virtual]. - Watch short recording of presentation.
Bumgardner M, Hu M. Pharmacist-Led Hep C Treatment in Rural Community Health Settings in Hawai’i, USA. Poster presented at: World Hepatitis Summit 2022; Jun 7-10, 2022; [Virtual].
Lusk H, Pham T. Hep Free 2030: Localized Hepatitis Elimination through Collaborative, Responsive Community Engagement in Hawai’i. Poster presented at: World Hepatitis Summit 2022; Jun 7-10, 2022; [Virtual]. - Watch short recording of presentation.
Martin A, Pham T. The Innovative Use of TikTok to Increase Community Engagement on Hepatitis Awareness. Abstract presented at: World Hepatitis Summit 2022; Jun 7-10, 2022; [Virtual]. - Watch short recording of presentation.
Moraras K, Freeland C, Trang A, Pham T, Caballero J, Cohen C. Cross-Sector Partnerships to Eliminate Hepatitis B Inequities in the United States. Abstract presented at: World Hepatitis Summit 2022; Jun 7-10, 2022; [Virtual].
Saltman D, Pham T. Enhancing Inter-Island Hepatitis C Care Networks in Hawai’i with Project ECHO during COVID-19. Abstract presented at: World Hepatitis Summit 2022; Jun 7-10, 2022; [Virtual].
Tsai N, Gish R, Pham T, Rodriguez, Taneva E, Simone L, Carter J. Moving the Needle on HBV and HCV Microelimination in Hawaii: Patient and Provider Perspectives on Screening, Counseling, and Management. Poster presented at: American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD) The Liver Meeting; Nov 12-15, 2021; Anaheim, CA [Virtual].
Stupplebeen DA, Maxera L, Lusk HM, Pham T. 2019 Syringe Exchange Program Annual Report. Honolulu, HI: Hawaiʻi Health & Harm Reduction Center. 2020.
Pham T, Lusk H. Hep Free 2030: Planning for Hepatitis Elimination in Hawai`i as Nimble, Collaborative Practice. Poster presented at: International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting; Dec 4-5, 2020; Amsterdam, Netherlands [Virtual]. - Watch video preview of poster.
Lord Smith R, Canary L, Ninburg M, Simmons A. Engaging People with Lived Experience in Viral Hepatitis Elimination. Poster presented at: American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD) The Liver Meeting; Nov 13-16, 2020 [Virtual]. - including feedback from PaijBritt Emmanuel.
Tom A, Robinett H, Pham T, Ogawa G, Dela Cruz M, Jackman T, Teel C, Moran M. Developing Effective Campaign Strategies for Cancer Preventing Vaccines (HPV and Hepatitis B) in Hawaii. Poster presented at: 2019 National Conference of Immunization Coalitions and Partners; Nov 13-15, 2019; Honolulu, HI.
Wang S, Cohen C, Pham T, Taneva E, Simone L, Carter J, Sapir T. Patient-Healthcare Professional Perceptions of Barriers to Hepatitis B Screening, Vaccination, and Treatment: Insights from a Novel Collaborative Education Program in Community Health Settings. Presented at: American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases Meeting’s The Liver Meeting; Nov 8-12, 2019; Boston, MA.
Holmes JR, Clayton HB, Pham T, Asher A, Starr R. Prevalence of Factors Associated with HIV and HCV Infections Among Male High School Students Who Have Sex with Males - Hawai`i, 2013, 2015, and 2017. Hawai’i Journal of Medicine & Public Health. 2019; 78(6): 191–194.
Wang C, Pham T, Dang G, Nguyen G. Wound Care as Engagement for Hepatitis C Care Continuum. Presented at: 12th National Harm Reduction Conference; Oct 18-21, 2018; New Orleans, LA.
Ferrer A, Katz AR, Hurwitz EL, Pham T. Hepatitis B Prevalence and Risk Factors in a Foreign-Born Asian and Pacific Islander Population at a Community Health Center in Hawai’i. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2018;
Robinett H, Dela Cruz M, Jackman T, Ogawa G, Pham T, Teel C, Tom A, Buenconsejo-Lum L, Hernandez B. Hawai’i’s Vaccine Preventable Cancers Workgroup: from scan to plan to action. Presented at: National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Center HPV Vaccination Meeting at Huntsman Cancer Institute; Jun 7-8, 2018; Salt Lake City, UT.
Pham T, Wasserman G. Reframing Hepatitis C: Lessons in Successful Public Health Collaboration. Hawai’i Journal of Medicine & Public Health. 2017;76(12):346-349.
Pham T, Alik K, Alik R, Lusk H. Do you speak hepatitis? In-language, cultural education intra-ventions for Marshallese and Chuukese communities in Hawai’i. Poster presented at: World Hepatitis Summit; Nov 1-3, 2017; Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Thornton K, Deming P, Sedillo M, Wang G, Gish R, Pham T, Caracostis A, Wang S, Arora S. HBV ECHO: Reducing Perinatal Transmission. Poster presented at: National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) Community Health Institute and Expo; Aug 25-29, 2017; San Diego, CA.
Watson T, Bridges CB, Nelson NP, Kennedy E, Feaster DM, Reichert PE, Pham T, Mahdi I, Ntiri-Reid B, Wake E, Leahy J. Hepatitis B Vaccination Program Implementation in Settings in which a High Proportion of Adults have Hepatitis B-Related Risk Factors ─ United States 2012-2015. Poster presented at: National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit; May 9-11, 2017; Atlanta, GA.
Holmes JR, Pham T. An Examination of Health Risk Factors Associated with HIV and HCV Infection in in Youth Men Who Have Sex with Men in Hawai’i. Poster resented at: Hawai’i Public Health Association Conference; Oct 6, 2016; Honolulu, HI.
Watson T, Bridges CB, Nelson NP, Kennedy E, Feaster DM, Reichert PE, Pham T, Mahdi I, Ntiri-Reid B, Wake E, Leahy J. Hepatitis B Vaccination Program Implementation in Settings in which a High Proportion of Adults have Hepatitis B-Related Risk Factors ─ United States 2012-2015. Poster presented at: National Immunization Conference; Sep 13-15, 2016; Atlanta, GA.
Wang C, Morrison P, Lusk H, Katz A, Bieneman N, Ignaitis J, Pham T, Maxera L, Noguchi G. Offering Community-Based Wound Care as Part of a Comprehensive Syringe Exchange Program. Poster presented at: Diabetic Limb Salvage Conference; Mar 31-Apr 12, 2016; Washington, DC.
Wozniak M, Visoiu-Knapp A, Pham, T. Shifting Focus: Development of Integrated HIV/HCV Outreach, Testing and Linkage (OTL) Training. Poster presented at: National Summit on HIV and Viral Hepatitis Diagnosis, Prevention, and Access to Care; Jun 4-6, 2015; Arlington, VA.
Takeuchi LC, Pham TK, Katz AR. Hepatitis C Virus Antibody Prevalence, Demographics and Associated Factors among Persons Screened at Hawai’i Community-based Health Settings, 2010–2013. Hawai’i Journal of Medicine & Public Health. 2015;74(1):9-15.
Pham T, Lusk H, Deeley N, Song L, Whiticar P. Just a Few More Questions: Integrating Hepatitis C Risk Assessment into HIV Counseling, Testing, and Referral Data Collection. Poster presented at: National Summit on HIV and Viral Hepatitis Diagnosis, Prevention, and Access to Care; Nov 26-28, 2012; Washington, D.C.