“Racism and the Need for Anti-Racism in Correctional Health Care
The mission of NCCHC’s Committee on Systemic Racism is to guide the field toward eradicating systemic racism through clinical, education, research, advocacy policy, and practice tools. The Committee hosted open forums at the 2022 NCCHC Spring and Fall conferences to identify themes and issues and where intervention may be most useful. One theme that came up repeatedly was racism experienced by staff of color. In our work towards an anti-racist environment for both patients and staff, the lived experiences of staff are a crucial component in understanding racism in correctional health care environments. This webinar will explore such lived experiences, offer a dialogue on how racism impacts individuals working in correctional health care, and explore interventions to address this issue.
Mary Muse MS RN CCHP-A CCHP-RN, Wisconsin Department of Corrections
Joel Andrade PhD LICSW CCHP-MH, Falcon Inc.
Danotra McBride CCHP, King County Correctional Facility
This free webinar is informational and there will be no CE offered.”