NASTAD is pleased to announce a five-part webinar series, “Housing People Who Use Drugs (PWUDs).” The series will focus on various complexities in housing people who are in active drug use or are unstably housed. The webinar topics will include cultural competence when housing people who use drugs, program models for housing PWUD, federal funding for housing, and Section 8 barriers when working with criminal justice-involved PWUDs. Each webinar will include speakers from harm reduction organizations across the country.
The webinar series will begin in the new year and will occur on the first Wednesday of every month, starting on January 5th, 2022, from 3:00 to 4:00 PM EST. The first topic will be “Cultural Competence for Housing PWUDs.” This webinar will focus on cultural humility and cultural awareness when serving BIPOC unhoused/unstably housed drug users.
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