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Updated Viral Hep Screening and Vaccination Recs @7AM HST

“Federal Implementation of Updated Viral Hepatitis Screening and Vaccination Recommendations

On March 10th, 2023, CDC released an MMWR to update the recommendations for screening and testing for hepatitis B virus for all adults aged 18 years and older. In recognition of Hepatitis Awareness Month, on Tuesday, May 30, 1-2:30pm EST the Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP) will host a webinar on the federal implementation of these new recommendations.

As part of the Viral Hepatitis National Strategic Plan, federal partners are working together to increase screening, testing and vaccination for hepatitis B in the United States. OIDP will be joined by a panel of federal leadership from across HHS to discuss how each agency plans to implement the recommendations across the federal government. Federal partners will share lessons learned from the implementation of the updated hepatitis C screening recommendations in 2020. The session will also provide an update on the implementation of universal hepatitis B vaccination guidelines and how hepatitis B screening and vaccination recommendations will be integrated.

Speakers will include representatives from:
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
• Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services
• Department of Veterans Affairs
• Federal Bureau of Prisons
• Health Resources & Services Administration
• Indian Health Service”

May 25

Universal Screening and Vaccination to Achieve Viral Hep Elimination @10:30AM HST

June 1

Hep B Overview @8:30AM HST