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Hep C in People of Reproductive Age, Pregnancy and Children @10:30AM HST

The Empire Liver Foundation and the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene invites you to attend a special topic webinar on: 

Hepatitis C in People of Reproductive Age, Pregnancy and Children 
Thursday, May 18, 2023 (4:30pm-5:30pm EST)

This training is designed to educate clinical providers on current hepatitis C screening and treatment guidelines for people of childbearing age, pregnant people and children

Tatyana Kushner, MD, MSCE
Assistant Professor of Medicine Divisions of Liver Diseases, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Learning Objectives:

  • ​Explain changes in hepatitis C epidemiology nationally, including among people of childbearing age and pregnant people 

  • Recall current hepatitis C screening and treatment guidelines for people of childbearing age, pregnant people and children

  • Describe the risk of gestational parent-to-child transmission of hepatitis C

  • Understand the impact of hepatitis C on pregnancy

Universal Screening and Vaccination to Achieve Viral Hepatitis Elimination 
Thursday, May 25, 2023 (4:30pm-5:30pm EST)

In line with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Viral Hepatitis Elimination Goals for 2030, this webinar will focus on the need for improving viral hepatitis screening and vaccination in health systems. 

Rebecca Roediger, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine 
Division of Liver Diseases
Department of Medicine 
Icahn School of Medicine

Anna Mageras, MPH
Project Manager
Division of Liver Diseases
Department of Medicine 
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Learning Objectives:

  • Provide an overview of the changing epidemiology of Hepatitis B and C and the need for screening and vaccination to achieve the NYC Health Department 2030 goals of elimination of viral hepatitis

  • Explain the updated guidelines for Hepatitis C screening

  • Explain the updated guidelines for Hepatitis B vaccination

  • Provide a case study from a NYC hospital on how to improve screening and vaccination rates

We look forward to your participation!
Questions? Contact Meg Chappell at the Empire Liver Foundation at

May 18

NVHR Grassroots Advocacy Monthly Call @9AM HST

May 18

Hep Free 2030: Access Workgroup @12PM HST