The National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable is excited to announce a virtual learning program
focusing on advocacy skill building and problem solving. HALO is open to people who have lived/living experience with HAV, HBV, and/or HCV in the United States who would like to increase their advocacy skills. The goals of HALO are to:
Build advocacy skills among people who have lived/living experience with HAV,
HBV, and/or HCVFoster connections and networking between patient advocates in different parts
of the countryDeepen NVHR’s connection to long-time & emerging patient advocates through
structured engagement
HALO will consist of five monthly 90-minute online sessions, beginning in January 2022. Sessions will be held on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 to 8:00 PM EST, to accommodate advocates across multiple time zones. Each session will include a presentation on key advocacy skills and concepts, an exercise to practice these skills, and an opportunity to brainstorm, problem-solve, and share resources and lessons learned between advocates. The series will culminate in an optional virtual advocacy event (e.g. meeting with your legislator, writing a letter to the editor).
January 12, 2022 Legislative Advocacy Skills Pt. 1: Role of Government
February 9, 2022 Legislative Advocacy Skills Pt. 2: How to Influence Government through Advocacy
March 9, 2022 Communications Part 1: Developing a Message for Your Ask
April 13, 2022 Communications Part 2: Using Data/Statistics & Personal Testimonies
May 11, 2022 Wrap-Up & Advocacy Event Prep
May TBD Hepatitis Awareness Month Advocacy Event (Optional)
If you have questions or are interested in the series but can't make these times, please
reach out to Robin Lord Smith, NVHR Community Engagement Coordinator: