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HEAT Project: Natl Hep Testing Strategies for Elimination @2:30AM HST

The Hepatitis Evaluations to Amplify Testing and Treatment (HEAT) project was started in 2020 by the Coalition to provide catalytic grants to local coalitions of partners to 1) Assess the epidemiological burden of HBV and HCV 2) Assess the laboratory capacity for HBV and HCV testing 3) Model future testing strategies for elimination and 4) Develop improved testing recommendations and national policies. To date, the Coalition has funded 6 projects in Vietnam, Ghana, Moldova, Uruguay, Malawi, and Nigeria. This webinar will bring together partners leading past and current projects to present lessons learned, share results, and discuss how these types of projects can be leveraged for national planning to drive elimination efforts.

October 10

Hawaiʻi Hep B ECHO (CME, CPE, CE) @12PM HST

October 11

Hep B State Advocacy Monthly Call @9AM HST