“We would like to invite you to join us for our first ever, O'ahu Resilience Hubs Zoom Open House, Monday, April 24th from 6:30pm - 8:30pm.
Note: This is a VIRTUAL event, hosted on Zoom to make it possible for islandwide attendance.
We will have several zoom rooms set up with ongoing activities, discussions and map/data trainings. You can stay in the main room, or explore the breakout rooms at your leisure. Presentations and activities will repeat in each room approximately every 20 to 30 minutes unless specified otherwise.
Zoom Break Session Topics:
Basic Overview of Action 15 Resilience Hubs Research Project (20 - 30 minutes)
Preliminary Findings + Next Steps (20 minutes)
Primary Urban Center Talkstory & Mini "Workshop" Session (1 hour session)
Resilience Hubs Location Suitability Map Presentation & Q+A with Map Maker (20 minutes)
Interactive Map Training (20 minutes)
Student Presentations (20 minutes)
Open networking rooms
You can learn more about the Action 15 Resilience HUB Project here: https://cerenehawaii.org/about-cerene/about-action-15/. Sign up to receive project updates and follow our work at: http://go.hawaii.edu/3Lx.”