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Hep C Treatment @10:30AM HST

“The Empire Liver Foundation and the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene invites you to attend the Hepatitis C Clinical Training Series. The recording for each session may be accessed after you complete this form.

Session 1: Hepatitis C: Epidemiology, Natural History and Diagnosis with Roxana Bodin, MD
May 9, 2024 4:30-5:30PM 

Session 2: Hepatitis C Treatment with Paul Gaglio, MD
May 16, 2024 4:30-5:30PM

Session 3: Hepatitis C Complications with Sonal Kumar, MD
May 23, 2024 4:30-5:30PM

Session 4: Hepatitis C Treatment in Persons Who Inject Drugs (PWID) with Kelly Ramsey, MD
May 30, 2024 4:30-5:30PM”

May 16

Updates on Hep B and C for Patients @9AM HST

May 21

From Experience to Action: Youth Voices on Hep and HIV @12AM HST