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Primary Care Provider Hep C Treatment Training @12PM HST

“The Community Liver Alliance has an upcoming Treating HCV in a Primary Care Setting virtual training scheduled for July 12, 2022 from 6-8pm EST. The trainings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 6-8pm EST.

We invite you and your colleagues to join us for the 2-hour CME training. We provide a toolkit and resources as well as consultation support. The program is free of charge. We encourage the entire team to attend the training.  

Please use this link to register for the program.  Everyone attending the training MUST register in advance, particularly to receive the CMEs, Toolkit and Certificate of Completion. Please note that there is a pre-test to complete at the time of registration. Treating Hepatitis C in a Primary Care Setting CME Provider Virtual Training Program - Community Liver Alliance Please feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues.

The Community Liver Alliance expert Trainers for your program will be Alison Kost, RN and Matthew Barnes, CRNP. Both Alison and Matt have experience in treating patients with HCV, particularly within marginalized populations.  Alison developed the first HCV Clinic at the Northside Christian Health Center FQHC in 2006 to support uninsured patients.  Matthew currently works at Crossroads Treatment Centers, where he treats people across Pennsylvania for substance use disorders and hepatitis C. He leads the hepatitis C treatment effort for Crossroads’  36 offices in Pennsylvania, as well as training his counterparts in other states. 

In exchange for our training, we require our sites to provide a Quarterly Treatment Report for the first year. This allows us to understand the outcomes of our program and to share the data with our stakeholders. 

Our primary goal of the training is to make an impact on eliminating hepatitis C as a disease burden, particularly in response to the intersection of hepatitis c and the opioid epidemic.  

We are looking forward to providing the training to you and your colleagues and commend you on being a part of the solution!”

July 11

ECHO Hawai'i: Medication for Opioid Use Disorder @ 12PM HST

July 12

Making the Connection to the Homelessness Response System @8:30AM HST