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Simplified Hep B Screening and Treatment: A Focus on Key Communities @7:30AM HST

Simplified HBV Screening and Treatment: A Focus on Key Communities - Certified Virtual Symposium

Learn from experts on strategies for implementation of best practices for HBV/HDV screening, simplified HBV treatment, and increasing adherence and engagement in care, including considerations for key communities such as Asian people and African immigrants.

Who Should Attend

The HBV track of this program is intended for healthcare professionals involved in the care of people with and/or at risk for HBV, including primary care providers, hepatologists, gastroenterologists, and OB/GYNs.

Registered Nurses: 1.50 Nursing contact hours

Physicians: maximum of 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™”

February 12

Simplified HBV Screening and Treatment @7:30AM HST

February 19

Hep Free 2030: Equity Workgroup @12PM HST