Register Now for ASTHO Virtual Workshop: Using a Syndemic Approach to Increase Hepatitis Testing and Linkage to Care
This three-hour interactive workshop will introduce viral hepatitis program staff and their complementary teams to collaborative approaches for improving access to hepatitis services. Teams participating in this workshop will have the opportunity to learn about promising strategies from other jurisdictions and begin action planning for integrating services within their own agencies.
Attendees will learn how to:
1. Describe braiding and layering as a funding strategy that can be used to address the syndemic of viral hepatitis, substance use disorder, HIV, and STIs.
2. Develop initial action items for addressing gaps of the syndemic at the community level by integrating HIV/STI/Hep testing and linkage to care in health departments and a variety of high-impact settings.
This workshop will be supplemented by a sharing session on May 4 that will allow participants to reflect on their action items and next steps. This is the first of two workshops that will provide training and capacity building for viral hepatitis programs and their partners.