Celebrate 10 Years with Us!


We are ecstatic. We are astonished. We are grateful.

Hep Free Hawai’i is ten years old! It is hard to believe that our community coalition, which formally started with about 15 enthusiastic people in the backroom of a small restaurant in Chinatown, has now grown to almost 100 local, national, and global partner agencies dedicated to Hep Free 2030, our statewide hepatitis elimination strategy.

To celebrate our little community coalition reaching a decade, we will be sharing “gifts” each month throughout 2021. These will be new materials, campaigns, programs, and opportunities that we think represent the next decade of growth, collaboration, and empowerment. Stay tuned for more!

We want to sincerely thank everyone who has helped Hep Free Hawai’i grow over the past 10 years. To all the patients, advocates, outreach workers, care coordinators, providers, family members, interpreters, legislators, bureaucrats, storytellers, policymakers, and more: you are Hep Free Hawai’i. Happy birthday to us all!

Birthday Gift List

January: Check out our fresh new website!
February: Download and print our new storyteller booklet!
Bookmark our events calendar!
Download language access materials (collab w OLA)
Follow and tag us on Tiktok!
Download and share our storyteller booklet in Marshallese
Watch Richard’s storyteller video
August: Download our newly redesigned materials
Watch Honolulu Pride PSAs from Stacia and Richard
Check out Chuukese language access video and resources
Join one of over 100 partner agencies!
December: Happy new year!


Join Patient Advocacy Program


Welcome, National Task Force on Hepatitis B!