How Can We Eliminate Hepatitis in Hawai‘i?

We talked story with over 100 different people in Hawai‘i from 2019 to 2020. This is what they suggested we do.

1.  Increase Awareness about the problem

We need to make sure people and decision-makers know that hepatitis is an issue. Hawai’i has one of the highest rates of liver cancer in the U.S., and the leading causes are hepatitis B and C!


2.  Increase Access to needed services

We want to make sure that everyone gets access to hepatitis vaccines, testing, care, and treatment, even if they cannot pay.  People also need services like harm reduction, housing, substance treatment, and more!

3.  Increase Advocacy at all levels

Your voices matter! Let’s make sure that people who decide on funding and policies hear what is most important for our communities. Tell your story, and help us make change!


4.   Promote Equity in everything we do

Hepatitis affects so many people. To really eliminate hepatitis, we need to also talk about homelessness, racism, stigma, immigration health, LGBTQ rights, and more!


5.  Use Data to make decisions

Let’s get moving, and get data! We will use data to help us know who to help and show if things are working. Remember: data not only includes numbers but also stories.

Priority Area 1 Priority Area 2 Priority Area 3 Priority Area 4 Priority Area 5

We need everyone’s help! You don’t have to be an expert. Your voice always matters. Join our efforts to eliminate hepatitis in Hawai‘i by 2030.

Contact us at (808) 436-5884 or Visit us at or follow @hepfreehawaii
on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube.
