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Hep B Vaccine Opportunities in Hawaiʻi: Talk Story 1 @12PM HST

Hawaiʻi has high rates of liver cancer, and one of the leading causes is vaccine-preventable hepatitis B. Hepatitis B Vaccine Opportunities in Hawai'i is the first in a series of community talk story sessions to discuss hepatitis B vaccine updates, including new universal adult recommendations, two-dose options, and co-administration opportunities with other vaccines.

Hepatitis B Vaccine Opportunities in Hawai'i

Wednesday March 16, 2022, @ 12–1 PM HST Zoom Session

To register, click here.

March 16

CME: Hep B ECHO at Baylor St. Lukeʻs Health @ 7:00AM HST

March 17

Reducing Hep B Infection in Nigeria w Birth Dose Vaccines @4AM HST