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Natl Harm Reduction Technical Assistance Center Info Session @9AM HST

NASTAD is pleased to announce that on Monday, June 13 from 3-4 PM ET, CDC and SAMHSA will host an information session about the National Harm Reduction Technical Assistance Center (NHRTAC). The eight NHRTAC providers, including NASTAD, seek to build on proven methods of harm reduction technical assistance delivery—programmatic resources, peer support and mentoring, demonstration and program models—to provide coordinated TA to new and established community-led harm reduction efforts, including syringe services programs (SSPs) across the United States and territories. 

During the webinar, participants will learn more about: 

  • The goals of the NHRTAC, including supporting integration of harm reduction strategies and principles across diverse community settings

  • The subject matter expertise of the eight TA providers

  • Successful collaboration between TA recipients and the TA providers

  • How to submit a TA request through

June 10

Office of Minority Health Hep B Project Closeout @7AM HST

June 13

CME: Hep C ECHO at Baylor St. Lukeʻs Health @ 10:30AM HST